Why Do Women Get Repeated Yeast Infection

Why Do Women Get Repeated Yeast Infection

Yeast  or Candida Yeast Infection? Knowing the reason will help you prevent the recurrence of this infection.

This disease is a fungal infection brought by the overgrowth of Candida Yeast Infection.

Weakened immune system.  If your resistance or immunity to diseases and infection is weak of course you are prone to infections.  Your lifestyle may affect your immune system. Not getting enough sleep and a poor diet can weaken your immune system and may cause repeated yeast infection.  Medications like antibiotics and steroids can also weaken your resistance against infections. The worst condition is having a compromised immune system due to HIV. People with HIV are more likely to catch diseases and infections.

Pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to yeast or Candida Yeast Infection.

Tight fitting clothes.  Moisture on the genital area due to heat brought by tight fitting clothes like tight jeans, stockings and underwear encourage yeast bacteria to flourish. To avoid repeated yeast infection, you have to wear clothes that allow air circulation on the genital area. Cotton underwear and loose clothing prevents sweating and moisture on the genital area.